We aim to cause a planet-sized impact, by fundamentally reshaping our global food system

Our venture studio creates scaleable food startups by harvesting ideas from insights, successes and failures. We build the minimum viable product and connect great ideas with great founders. Together with founders, partners and customers we validate the ideas by finding product/market fit and early customers. Ever growing synergies are created through transferrable failure and success data from one startup to the next, to the next, to the next…

What we do



We are in the business of saving the planet by giving birth to ventures with the most scalable planetary impact.

We take a holistic food value chain approach, always with a clear end-user perspective and wrapped in an attractive business model.

We are experts in the intersection of bridging solutions for the future of food with human behaviour change.

We aim to influence the deep code of society by daring to be bold and speak our minds.

We aim to become a super magnet to attract likeminded people who want to create meaningful change.

Want to SHAPE the future with us?

We’re backing mission-driven founders to create a circular and regenerative food system.

Climate change needs to be tackled here and now, and food production is one of humanity’s most destructive industries.

We believe that mission-driven founders and ventures will lead and enable this transition, at the speed required to succeed. 

Do you have an idea for a new start-up the world needs?

Or perhaps you don’t (yet), but still can’t shake off that feeling that you would like to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey?

Then don’t hesitate to reach out. Through our entrepreneur in residence program you’ll have the opportunity to meet equally passionate co-founders, get hands-on support to accelerate ideation, testing and validation of ideas, and finally to hit the road running with your newly founded food venture.